Teer Hardy

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Cardinal Dolan Created More Controversy

As Cardinal Dolan prepared to close out the Republican National Convention this evening, the Cardinal who has been very critical of what he calls an attack on religious freedom in America because of President Obama's signature healthcare law jumped into the news even before he gave his benediction closing out the RNC.

The archbishop of New York wrote to both Gov. Romney and President Obama requesting that the each sign a pledge of civility for the remainder of the 2012 Presidential election.

I know that Dolan has been outspokenly critical of President Obama and that issue I would like to table for the purposes of this posting.  My question is this, is it the place of clergy to attempt to intervene in a national election with a call for civil behavior of the candidates (especially when each candidates faith already calls for such behavior)?  And, was this issue not already addressed by many of our national politicians after the tragic shooting at a political rally in Tucson, Arizona?