Teer Hardy

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Freedom, Favorite Tag Teams, Pledges To Open Worship & Flags In The Sanctuary

I've been listening to the Homebrewed Christianity Podcast for as long as I can remember. OK, honestly probably since 2012. Tripp Fuller's sweet vocals and zesty theological gems have been flowing through my ears buds on trails, airplanes, and in the gym. It's only natural that when given the opportunity to be on the podcast that I've been listening to for so long that I'd jump on the chance. Little did I know we'd be talking about freedom, WWF tag teams, and flags.

Jason and I were guests on the acclaimed Homebrewed Christianity Podcast to celebrate our nation's independence and freedom.  Jason reminds us that freedom is not free and freedom from restraint, but instead freedom for Christians is the freedom to be "free for others and free to be fully shaped into the image of Christ."

We touch base on smashing the idols of the 4th of July, turning your sanctuary into the lobby of the U.N., and our favorite wrestling tag teams of yester-year.

I may have derailed the conversation a bit with my late arrival. We know that freedom is only found in Christ but more often than not we allow fear of stepping out of the shadow of the empire to freely worship Christ. We often trade the liturgy of the church, or the story represented by the Table, for the liturgy of the nation. While the liturgy of the nation is not inherently bad it should not overshadow or take precedence over our shared liturgy with Christ.

Loving our nation is secondary to our call to attentive discipleship. Being a good citizen, as Tripp points out, is being a good citizen of the Kingdom of God as well as the nation in which you live.

Click here or on the image below to listen to the episode.

Get ready for all the freedom, liberty, and patriotic stuff you can handle! Jason Micheli and Teer Hardy from the Crackers & Grape Juice Podcast.

In this episode the Hauerwasian Mafia sent one of its Drill Sergeants, Jason, to talk about the predicament of faith, freedom, and the conflicting calls to allegiance that color the American landscape.

We hope your Independence Day grilling time enjoys this conversation. Word up.