Teer Hardy

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Scholar In Residence

The UMC has been on a steady decline in recent years, congregations are getting smaller and not attracting younger members.  The 2012 General Conference attempted to answer the question, how will the denomination survive in the 21st century.  During the month of June Aldersgate is heading back to the roots of Christianity and examining how the early church can advise the modern-day Methodist congregation.

Following the June sermon series, ecclesiologist (a proctologist for the church) Tony Jones will be joining Aldersgate United Methodist Church as their scholar in residence on July 7 & 8.  At each service (Saturday at 5:30pm, and Sunday at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:15am) Tony will be preaching on the Didache.  In addition, Tony  will be working with the lay leadership, staff, and congregation to identify the roles and responsibilities each group has in moving the church forward.   For more information or to RSVP for the Sunday dinner please visit the church's website.