Back to School


If your parents are like me then they might be getting a little bit excited about what is going to happen in Arlington tomorrow morning. If you don’t live in Arlington then maybe they’ve been a little too excited over the past week.

And if you are like my kids then you might be getting a little bit excited about what is going to happen in Arlington tomorrow morning. If you don’t live in Arlington then maybe you’ve been a little too excited over the past week.

Students, teachers, and school staff are heading back to buildings, some for the first time in over 18 months. That makes this back-to-school season different than others. 

What are some of the emotions you’ve been feeling as you’ve been preparing to head back to school?

Anxious? Nervous?


For the two weeks, our scripture readings have been from the Psalms. The Psalms are a collection of prayers and songs that people have been using for centuries. And in the Psalms, we are reminded that not only did God create you and me, and everything around us, but that God is also always with us.

In the church we believe that God sent his Son, Jesus, have you heard of him, to be with us and to help us live with one another. Jesus showed us how to love one another by showing us how God loves us.

And God loves us so much, God loves you so much, that when you head back to school God is going to be with you. There is nothing special you have to do to make this happen. 

God is with you in math or science class.

God is with you during gym class and recess.

God is with you on the bus or in the car.

God is with you, sharing your nervousness and excitement.  And if any of those feelings feel like they’re too much God is there to help you. God works through your friends, your teachers, the cafeteria workers, your bus driver, and though everyone who helps make school a safe place for you to learn and grow. 

Let’s pray together, asking God to be with us, ensuring that while this school year may be a bit different, it is still a great year.

God, our friend who is always with us, 

be with us through it all. 

Be with us as we ride the bus. 

Be with us as we walk. 

Be with us as we buckle seat belts, zip-up jackets, and tie shoes. 

However we get there, 

and whatever we wear, 

bless this journey into something new. 

For the grown-ups going back to school, 

With-Us God, be with them too. 

Thank you for our teachers, helpers, caregivers, and leaders, 

and for all they do to help us learn and grow. 

God, our friend who’s full of wonder, fill their hearts and bless their hands. Amen. 

Have a great school year!

Prayer was adapted from Illustrated Ministry.