Dangers of Christmas - #1

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At the beginning of December the Huffington Post featured an article on the

 12 dangers of Christmas

.  The article focused on fire safety during the holiday season.  They covered everything from your Christmas tree drying out and catching the drapes on fire to burning down your home while preparing your roast beast.

The article got me thinking, what if there were other dangers during Christmas?  What if, aside from falling off your roof while working on your light display and over roasting your chestnuts, there were hidden dangers during the season of advent that most of us overlook.

Over the next 15 days I am going to share my 12 dangers of Christmas.  So here we go,

little things
little things

#1 - Ignoring the Little Things

This year Christmas is a little bit more special for Allison and I.  This is Camden's first Christmas and just like all of the other firsts in his life, I want to remember them all.  From the first time he grabbed my finger in the hospital a few hours after he was born to the first time he peed on Allison and I laughed hysterically, I want to remember those moments.

There are a lot of things that my family does around Christmas that generates memories: bake cookies, eat too much dinner too quickly, and heated games of monopoly.  For the past few years though, with the addition of 2 nephews and now a son, it is the little things that I want to take in this year.

Before, I would rip through presents like I was going after and world record.  Now, I could sit for an hour and watch Camden try to eat his way through the multi-colored wrapping paper.  Everyone told me before Camden was born that the time would fly, and that there would be too many moments to remember.  So this year, I am going to take in the little moments.  Those are the moments I will cherish this Christmas.

For God to take on human flesh, and to come into the world as an infant with parents who would raise and teach him, I wonder what the little things were that Mary and Joseph experienced.  I wonder what the little milestones were in Jesus' life that cause His parents to stop and take it in.

What are the little moments that you are most looking forward to this Christmas?