I Like Big Buts

Crackers and Grape Juice has published it's first book! 

The entire team, Johanna, Taylor, Jason, and myself, have contributed to it. Between Johanna's introduction and the reflections offered by Jason and Taylor, at $3.49 this book is a steal.

You might be wondering why we published a book.

Two years ago when we started Crackers and Grape Juice we had no clue what we were doing and we certainly did not realize how we were going to fund this project. By purchasing this book you are helping to keep the conversations about faith without stained-glass language going. Proceeds from this book will help cover the cost of servers, websites, and future live event.

So do us these favors, would you?

  1. Buy the book. You can find it in Amazon here. Or go to www.crackersandgrapejuice.com/booksand purchase it through that link.
  2. Tell other people about the book. Share the link above on social media. It gives you something to post other than cat pictures or your Trump rage.
  3. Leave a review of it in Amazon. It helps other people discover it.

Thank you to everyone who has purchased the book, shared it with a friend, and reviewed it on Amazon. It is humbling to know that so many support the podcast and the work done by the entire team.