St. Nick is Getting A Lot of Play

St. Nick is Getting A Lot of Play.png

With today being the Catholic feast day for Saint Nicholas, the 4th century Bishop of Myra, I have noticed a few blogs focusing in on Saint Nicholas.  The first blog expressing their disdain for how we have transformed this Saint to keep our kids in line and another one who will celebrate by "slapping a heretic".

So as you are engulfed in all things Santa in the coming weeks, remember that the jolly fat guy has come along way since the Council of Nicea.  Saint Nicholas is man who had the jingle bells to slap Arius across the chin has been recreated into a genie, one who sees you when you are sleeping (creepy) and knows when you are awake (even creepier).  This is the Saint who has been transformed into bribing mechanism in order to keep kids behaving all year-long.  "Don't misbehave Johnny, you know Santa's watching"

Here's what Rev. Micheli had to say:

"Because what could be more contrary to the Christmas Gospel than the idea of God constantly watching our every move to see if we’re good or not? To see if we’re worth rewarding with a gift or if he should instead stick us with a ‘you shouldadunbetter lump of coal.’"

You can read what Tony has to say about this feast day here.

And you can read the rest of what Rev. Micheli has to say on the subject here.