It May Be Dark Out There, But the Lord is With Us


As part of our preparations for Advent at Mount Olivet, we’ve put together a series of devotionals for the community. These devotionals can stand on their own or be read in conjunction with our weekly worship services. I hope you are blessed by them. The following is my offering for December 4, 2020.

“Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said to me, “Now I have put my words in your mouth.” (Jeremiah 1:9, NSRV)

One of the things I dislike most about autumn and winter is that the days are short, and the nights are long. I was born in the summer. I thrive during the summer. I need warm sunshine bouncing off of my cheeks and cool breezes by the sea. When autumn and winter come rolling to town I am stuck with gusty winds, cold rain, ice, or snow, and being forced for some reason to “fall back.” When autumn and winter come rolling to town, I want to curl up next to the fireplace with a warm cup of coffee, to not emerge out into the world until the spring returns.

Jerusalem was under siege. Times were dark. And it was in the backdrop of the darkness of a siege that the prophet Jeremiah was called by God. Jeremiah was called to have the word of the Lord placed in his mouth. He was appointed over nations and kingdoms to proclaim the world of the Lord.  

Being the spokesperson of God under the best of circumstances, during the joy and warmth of spring and summer would be a difficult task. Throw in the darkness of autumn and winter – living in a nation under siege and the task would seem nearly impossible.

Jeremiah was not a stranger to the Lord. God knew him before Jeremiah was born. God consecrated Jeremiah for the calling to which he would later be called while Jeremiah was still in his mother’s womb. The Lord told Jeremiah this and the darkness of the world – his young age and the backdrop of a siege – made it hard to believe that the light of the Lord would be able to speak through him. Jeremiah questioned whether or not he would be able to fulfill the calling placed upon him.

Whether is its autumn or winter, or maybe you dislike spring and summer, while to may be dark out there, but the Lord is with us. While it may seem like we are unable to rise to the task placed before us because the circumstances around us are out of our control the Lord is with us. We are the beloved children of God. The waters of your baptism placed a calling and claim on your life. The Lord has touched your mouth. Whatever you have been called to, the Lord will equip you. The Lord will not leave you in the darkness alone. The Light has come. The Light is with us. The light will not abandon or forsake us.

Prayer - Lord we often carry the darkness with us – self-doubt, criticism, the weight of the world on us – and yet your calling lifts the forces of darkness to give way to your Light. Remind me, by the power of your Holy Spirit, to remember that you have called me, you are with me, and you have equipped me for the task. Amen.